Stuff !!!
Things i like!!!!!
here is an animal that i like.......a seal
they live in the antarctic.also i have a pet cat named Misha.Some people say that Misha means mouse in polish but some say its not a polish word.What a mind confuser !!

about me !!
I am 10 years old and i live in name is Jacki. i have 10 friends.they all are very kind to me. I dont have any brothers or sisters.

my interests.
My interests:
  • Books/Magazines
  • Comedy
  • Dance/Theatre
  • Fantasy/Role Playing
  • Music: Dance Music
  • Music: Rock and Pop
  • Music: Techno, Electronic
  • Pets/Animals
  • Photography
  • School/College
  • Sports: Athletics
  • Sports: Basketball
  • Sports: Climbing
  • Sports: Mountain Biking
  • Sports: Skateboarding, Rollerblading
  • Sports: Skiing, Snowboarding, Skating
  • Sports: Soccer
  • Sports: Tennis

tv:friends,Buffy,Home and Away,Neighbours and more

Favourite links
this search engine is a useful thing. it has chat, e mail and even its own pager !!!! its a must see !!
this is an e mail thing. Its gives you the choise of some things like Bolt and informationabout your favourite movie stars and movies !! better get connected !!
this pokemon site is Great for all you pokemon lovers !! there is chat , information , pictures and much much more !!

Email me at:
[email protected]

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